Hawk Auto Services offer a traditional quality service with a direct one to one approach where you speak to the mechanic directly.
We pride ourselves on Customer Service and building a reputation on trust and client satisfaction. Friendly and committed staff, with years’ of experience in the motor trade. We are not part of a franchised dealer network and we offer a completely independent service for all makes and models of cars and light commercial vehicles.
Open hrs
Hawk Auto Services, are proud to offer customers the complete motoring package, whether it be car, van or truck.
SUN - SAT | 9am - 10pm |
FRIDAY | 2pm - 8pm |
better performance
Here at Hawk Auto Services we are extremely conscious about the quality of our work and the end solution our customers receive.
Car Services
See how we made these cars perfect
We strive to ensure that every customer can expect the highest quality of workmanship, be treated in a courteous manner and be assured that their vehicle is in the best possible hands.
succesful realizations
and happy clients
Contact us
Call us for more details
+965 60777288, 60777228